This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #262626 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #262626 |
Border | #262626 |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #262626 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | #B3B3B3 |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #1E1A33 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | #262626 |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #1E1A33 |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 85%) |
Border | #262626 |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Implementation |
<div class="theme light"></div>
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #21201E |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #262626 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | #FFFFFF |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #262626 |
Border | #262626 |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | transparent |
Border | #FFFFFF |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #262626 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | #FFFFFF |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Implementation |
<div class="theme dark"></div>
Light transparent
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #262626 |
Background | transparent |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | currentColor |
Background | transparent |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | currentColor |
Background | transparent |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | currentColor |
Background | transparent |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | currentColor |
Background | transparent |
Border | transparent |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Implementation |
<div class="theme light-transparent"></div>
Dark transparent
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | transparent |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | transparent |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | transparent |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | transparent |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | transparent |
Border | transparent |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Implementation |
<div class="theme dark-transparent"></div>
Light gray
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | #E6A409 |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | #CCCCCC |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 85%) |
Border | transparent |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Implementation |
<div class="theme theme-gray"></div>
Gray border
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | #EBEBEB |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | #CCCCCC |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 85%) |
Border | transparent |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Implementation |
<div class="theme theme-gray-border"></div>
new light/dark grey
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #FFB60A |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(42.12, 100%, 85%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | #FFB60A |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | hsl(42.12, 100%, 85%) |
Border | transparent |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme light-dark-gray"></div>
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #CCB276 |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #000000 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | #ABABAB |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #F8CE69 |
Border | #C9A453 |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | #CCCCCC |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 85%) |
Border | transparent |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme gold"></div>
MB - Turmeric
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | currentColor |
Background | #A4660E |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #A4660E |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #A4660E |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 85%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme turmeric"></div>
MB - Turmeric Header
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #A4660E |
Background | transparent |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #A4660E |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(35.2, 84%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme turmericheader"></div>
MB - Paprika
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #C9262B |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #C9262B |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #C9262B |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 85%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme paprika"></div>
MB - Paprika Header
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #C9262B |
Background | transparent |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #C9262B |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(358.16, 68%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme paprikaheader"></div>
MB - Paprika Header White BG
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #C9262B |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #C9262B |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(358.16, 68%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #C9262B |
Background | transparent |
Border | #C9262B |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #C9262B |
Background | transparent |
Border | #C9262B |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme paprikaheaderwhitebg"></div>
MB - Paprika Border
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #C9262B |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | #C9262B |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #C9262B |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(358.16, 68%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme paprikaborder"></div>
MB - Dark Curry Header White BG
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #AA845D |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #AA845D |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(30.39, 31%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme curryheaderwhitebg"></div>
MB - Light Curry
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #AA845D |
Background | #FFF4E9 |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFF4E9 |
Background | #AA845D |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFF4E9 |
Background | hsl(30.39, 31%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme lightcurry"></div>
MB - Light Curry Black Text
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | #FFF4E9 |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme lightcurryblacktxt"></div>
HOS theme-1
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #000000 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | #FFFFFF |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #ED1C24 |
Border | #ED1C24 |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #840915 |
Border | #ED1C24 |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #ED1C24 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | #ED1C24 |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #ED1C24 |
Background | #DDDDDD |
Border | #ED1C24 |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme hos-theme-1"></div>
MB - Green
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #9CA894 |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #9CA894 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #9CA894 |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 85%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme green"></div>
HOS theme
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #ED1C24 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | #ED1C24 |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #ED1C24 |
Border | #ED1C24 |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #840915 |
Border | #ED1C24 |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #ED1C24 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | #ED1C24 |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #ED1C24 |
Background | #DDDDDD |
Border | #ED1C24 |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme hos-theme"></div>
MB - Green Header White BG
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #9CA894 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #9CA894 |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(96, 10%, 85%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme greenheaderwhitebg"></div>
MB - Brand Gold
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | currentColor |
Background | #C9A453 |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #C9A453 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #C9A453 |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 85%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #000000 |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme curry"></div>
MB - Brand Gold Header
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #C9A453 |
Background | transparent |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #C9A453 |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(41.19, 52%, 85%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme curryheader"></div>
MB - Brand Red
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #ED1C24 |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #ED1C24 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #ED1C24 |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 85%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | transparent |
Border | #FFFFFF |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | transparent |
Border | #FFFFFF |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme brandred"></div>
MB - Brand Red Button
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | transparent |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #ED1C24 |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(357.7, 85%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #ED1C24 |
Background | transparent |
Border | #ED1C24 |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #ED1C24 |
Background | transparent |
Border | #ED1C24 |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme brandredbtn"></div>
MB - Brand Red Button White Header
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | transparent |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #ED1C24 |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(357.7, 85%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #ED1C24 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #ED1C24 |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 85%) |
Border | transparent |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme redbtnwhitehdr"></div>
MB - White
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | transparent |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 85%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | transparent |
Border | #FFFFFF |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | transparent |
Border | #FFFFFF |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme white"></div>
MB - Black
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | transparent |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | transparent |
Border | #333333 |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | transparent |
Border | #333333 |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme black"></div>
MB - Black Border
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | #333333 |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme blackborder"></div>
MB - Black and Red
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #333333 |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #ED1C24 |
Border | #ED1C24 |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #ED1C24 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | #FFFFFF |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #ED1C24 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Border | #FFFFFF |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #ED1C24 |
Border | #ED1C24 |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme blackred"></div>
Red Back
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #333 |
Background | #fff |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFF |
Background | #333 |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFF |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #333 |
Background | #CCC |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #333 |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 85%) |
Border | transparent |
Focus outline | #cccccc |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #cccccc |
Implementation |
<div class="theme theme-new"></div>
This is the body text of the theme.
This is the accent color of the theme.
Base | |
Foreground | #000000 |
Background | #F0F0F0 |
Accent | currentColor |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | #CCCCCC |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 85%) |
Border | transparent |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | currentColor |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | currentColor |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme grey-class"></div>
Base | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | #FFFFFF |
Accent | #333333 |
Border | transparent |
Primary button | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | #01652F |
Border | #FFC756 |
Primary button hover | |
Foreground | #FFFFFF |
Background | hsl(147.6, 98%, 40%) |
Border | #FFC756 |
Secondary button | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | #CCCCCC |
Border | transparent |
Secondary button hover | |
Foreground | #333333 |
Background | hsl(0, 0%, 85%) |
Border | transparent |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Link button | |
Link color | #333333 |
Link button hover | |
Link hover color | hsl(0, 0%, 40%) |
Focus outline | #CCCCCC |
Implementation |
<div class="theme ordernow-button"></div>